Ranbir Kapoor Alia Bhatt are in the news for the picture of their little princess “Raha Kapoor”. The audience was waiting for a long time to see a glimpse of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s Prince Raha Kapoor! Now that wait is over. On the special occasion of Christmas, the couple has given a special treat to the fans by revealing the face of their daughter. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor proudly presented their baby girl Raha on December 25. While visiting Kunal Kapoor’s house for Christmas Brunch, she revealed Raha’s entire face to the world.
Raha looked adorable in a Christmas-themed outfit as she looked at the kids curiously. Apart from her cuteness, fans also noticed her blue eyes. Some people also said that his eyes resembled those of his great grandfather Raj Kapoor. The fans are very happy to see the granddaughter of the Kapoor family and have become giddy. By staying there, he has won the heart of Phans due to his cuteness.
Ranbir Kapoor Alia Bhatt revealed his daughter’s face
Ranbir Kapoor Alia Bhatt Daughter: Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor revealed Raha’s face on Christmas. Fans are in awe of her blue eyes. Raha was born on 6 November 2022. Ranbir Alia posed for the paparazzi with daughter Raha during the Kapoor family’s Christmas lunch. The couple has publicly revealed their daughter’s face to the world for the first time.
Ranbir Kapoor was seen holding his beloved daughter in his lap. Believe me, seeing Raha, the eyes of the fans kept staring at him. Her cuteness won everyone’s heart, her eyes looked blue. Fans saw her cute eyes
Alia wrote a note on Raha’s birthday
Ranbir Kapoor Alia Bhatt Daughter: On Raha’s first birthday on November 6, Alia Bhatt shared partial glimpses of her baby girl and wrote a beautiful note. It can be read, “Our joy, our life.. our light! It feels like just yesterday we were playing this song for you, while you were kicking my stomach.. there’s nothing to say, Only we are blessed to have you in our lives.. You make every day feel like a perfect creamy delicious delicious piece of cake. Happy Birthday Baby Tiger.. We love you more than love itself.”
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Fans got excited after seeing Raha
Ranbir Kapoor Alia Bhatt Daughter: Ranbir Kapoor was seen holding his daughter Raha Kapoor in his lap while posing in front of the camera. Raha Kapoor was seen in powder pink and white frock. Raha Kapoor made two braids and was looking very cute. Raha had cartoon clips in her braids, was seen wearing pink and white frocks and little Raha red shoes.
The paps also got excited after seeing Raha. He wished Raha a Christmas. During this, Raha also gave cute poses with her parents. Raha was seen wearing red velvet shoes with white and pink dress. She was looking just like baby Santa. On this occasion, Alia was seen in floral back dress and Ranbir was seen in black jacket and dark jeans. After seeing Raha on social media, fans have given different reactions. Some say that Raha looks like her grandfather i.e. Ranbir’s father Rishi Kapoor, while some users said that Raha looks similar to Ranbir.
Raha Kapoor’s first look, the blue-eyed star kid wore the perfect Christmas dress. In the glimpses, Raha was seen dressed in a pink and white tulle dress with a Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer work embellished on it. She completed her look with a pair of red shoes and pink floral clips.
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